What is a Heap?
Heap is a specialized tree-based data structure. There are many different types of heaps. In this article we will be focusing on Binary Heaps.
How it works? In a heap each parent node has up to two children, left child is added first (right or left relationship does-not matter). There is some type of hierarchy (min or max heap).
Types of Binary Heaps:
- Min Heap: parent nodes are always smaller than (or equal to) the children (right or left sibling order does-not matter)
- Max Heap: parent nodes are always larger than (or equal to)the children (right or left does-not matter)

- Use a tree: HeapNode Class with a left and right property (fill out from left to right)
- Array: add the value to the end of the array, and bubble up (compare to parent until it is swapped to the correct spot)
- rightChild = 2(parentIndex)+2
- leftChild = 2(parentIndex)+1
- parentIndex =floor((childIndex -1)/2)
Where do we use Heaps?
Priority Queue (very common): data structure where element has a priority associated with it. (ex. boarding for an airplane, emergency room, unix machines)