First Two Weeks of Coding Bootcamp
Thinking back to all of the information we have processed these past two weeks, it feels more like two months. Here is a breakdown of the essentials.
Starting with the basics… must know Terminal Commands

Iterating through an Array
There are several ways to scan through an array. Ruby has several built in methods to do so, called enumearables, each with small variations.

Object Orientation
Ruby consists of six main data types (Boolean, Symbols, Numbers, Strings, Arrays, Hashes). Since Ruby is an object oriented language all of its data types are based on classes.
A class is the blueprint from which individual objects are created. One can create a new class, and associate different attributes to it.

Github is a platform used for version control. This web-based platform facilitates collaborative work, and the sharing of information. There are several commands that are frequently used to retrieve, and upload your files.

Advice: always read the README doc! Pay attention to detail. This goes for your code, and the README.Take a break & unwind when you need it!