AWS The Big Picture

Giulia Elizabeth
2 min readApr 4, 2021

Amazon Web Service Amazon’s global cloud platform which provide a total of 64 services.

These services include:

  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service, also known as IaaS, allows users to sublet virtual networks, machines, storage, and servers etc.
  • Platform-as-a-Service allows users to create and host applications using internet service. The user wrights the script in any language and Amazon’s API supports it.
  • Software-as-a-Service is the least customizable, but most “convenient”. Allows users to access software on a subscription bases (ex. emailing capability, queuing SAAS- event loop)
  • Cloud Storage Platform allows users to store, access, govern and analyze data. This can be done through object storage, file storage, block storage services, backup, and data migration. (ex. S3 Simple Service, Amazon Elastic File System, Amazon FSx for Windows File Server )

Most Popular Services:

  • S3 (Simple Storage Service)- allows users to upload and share files from the cloud. Users have control over the public or private accessibility of the data.
  • EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)- bare servers to run software, users can develop and deploy applications quickly and effectively for a low cost.
  • Lambda- allows the user to run code without any server. Code is only executed wen needed, and user only pays for compute time.
  • Glacier- provides longterm (months, years, or decades) secure data storage at a low cost
  • RDS (Relational Database Services)- eases database configuration, management, and scaling by automating tedious tasks.

Additional Info & Stats:

  • Biggest competitors include Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and IBM Cloud
  • Used by around 80% of Fortune 500 Companies
  • 15 regions around the world

Why people use it?

  • Billing: AWS offers per hour/ per gb billing providing convenient options for projects of any size. AWS pricing is also region specific, and term specific.
  • Easy to Signup & Simple Billing Dashboard
  • Stable & Trusted

